Nelly Harutyunyan
Teenagers and their problems
Artak Zargaryan
Private car ownership problem
Ten moments that changed Diplomacy
Contemplation on the short story “The Trains” by William Saroyan
An Indians grief
-Why are you so sad? What do
you want? Just ask, we will give you everything
Indian said
- I want to be happy
An owl said.
-And what is happiness? Ask
for something else.
-I want to be beautiful
The hawk said.
-You will be as beautiful as I
-I want to be strong.
The jaguar said.
-You will be as strong as I am.
-I want to be cunning.
The fox said.
-You will be as cunning as I
-I want to climb up the
trees swiftly.
The squirrel said.
-You will be as dodgy as I am
-I want to see in the darkness
-You will be
as sharp-sighted as I am.
- I want to walk without
getting tired.
The deer said
-You will be as resistant as I
-I want to predict floods.
The nightingale said.
-I'll warn you with my song
-I want to differentiate the
remedy flowers
The snake said
- O, I'll teach you, I know
all the qualities of grass, don't I?
So he received all that he
wanted, but happiness.
But the owl said
-Soon the Indian will know
many things will be able to do everything.
And the bird Chachalaka
- And then he will never be
sad any longer.
Translated by English Club
Mariam Mirzoyan
Nare Hovhannisyan
10 grade
We speak about love
Love, you embrace only three letters, but
you hold so much feeling accumulated in you, to understand what love is
everybody is given sense of love. It makes no difference what age we are when
we love first, or how long our love lasts. It is important to realize that you
love and are loved. When you love you don’t realize how you suddenly find
yourself in a fairy world, where everything is fantastic: your surroundings,
your environment, and everything that is going on around you are incredible.
Even your thoughts seem to be fairy. You seem to wear colorful eyeglasses, and
even bad and sinister things around you can’t be taken in the right sense, and
you are unable to do it. Your thoughts seem to have wings, and you are simply
flying to the world of your dreams. You seem to be lost in your fairly created
thoughts. And when you suddenly return to this world, only then you find out
how far you had gone off your real world. You feel like sleeping all that time,
and having a miraculous dream about a miraculous world.
Written by Nelly Gspoyan
Translated by English Club member
Nare Hovhannisyan
I remember
I remember that sad
evening of the winter embracing my soul. The chilly wind was inviting me to
dance, I don’t know how he could guess I would, but he did know. The scenery
was ready and audience had disappeared behind the sun rays. Taking advantage of
the empty streets I accepted it’s the tempting proposal of the wind. Being
haunted by the sounds of the melody I mechanically directed my steps in the
direction of the source where the melody was conceived. There another staged
dance appeared before my eyes. Sitting on one of the empty benches I became the
only spectator. His bare feet seemed to be molded with the icy stage and his
ragged clothes hardly covered his naked body and his gaze was fixed on the only
sparkling star in the sky. A few ice-cold tears were glittering on his cheek
cracked by the cold. And just it was there, in that tear that I could find a
story about him and me, then following his gaze I fixed my eyes on the same
store. I realized then that you’re with me and mine forever…
Mariam Engibaryan, Grade 12-3
Mariam Engibaryan, Grade 12-3
Translated by English
club member – Mariam Mirzoyan – 10-1 class
Universe is perfect
Universe is
perfect, Isn't It. Now let me prove it. Everybody knows that our solar system
is the place where life was originated. But don’t you think that life is not
the only thing to interest us. I’ll tell you about one of our neighbors called
Saturn.. Everybody knows the beauty with its fascinating links of its crown. Do
you know what are those links made of?
You will fail to find such similar any other links made of icicles, yes,
I say icicles which are the result of frozen water. This ice always remains
pure. What causes such result, how does
it maintain its solid quality and glamour of such gigantic and natural
structure like it? Actually it is the power of gravitation that provides it
that quality. Hope you know that Universe is covered with dust. This dust is to
cover those objects in space which lack atmosphere. These icicles always
collide with one another which consequently give rise to concussion hindering
the dust settle on them, in this way reflection of great amount of light is
provided. Sizes of those circuits in the Solar system are equal that of the
thinness of sheet of paper. This gaseous giant comprises a lot of mysteries in
it which leaves a lot for the scientists to explore. Didn’t it provoke interest in you? Aren’t you
fascinated with the perfectness and the precise disposition of the objects in
the Universe. If yes, you may follow further articles on the subject –matter.
Gharibyan Vahe Grade 10-3
Translated by English club members Tatevik
Vanyan, Emma Safaryan and Nana Dashyan
After Having Read the Short Stories
By Leonid Yengibaryan

The author’s stories are sad and romantic. May be it characterizes
the writer’s emotional state. We may think that he has also been ignored by the
society, and his love might also have been ignored. In spite of all these he
frankly loved people. We infer this after reading his story “The
Girl Who Could Fly.” In that story the hero encourages the girl to
fly, convincing her not to be afraid of dying as she held two hearts in her,
one of them was the one her mother had given her 19 years before, and that was
because her mother had been able to love. He asked her not to laugh at
what he said as it was too hard to love. The other heart she had was the one he
had rendered her. “Keep my crazy heart with you and not be afraid of anything.
If suddenly one of them stops beating the other will keep beating.
His writings seem to be of yellow, red and purple color. Perhaps
blue, as peace dominates there and the blue color symbolizes peace, or may be
black. Summing up I should add that his stories helped me to remember
those who are isolated from the society and need care attention and love. They
are people, as Yengibaryan stated, who will become future Mozarts, and our
indifferent behavior to them prevents from being Mozarts.
Vika Markosyan, Grade 10-2
Translated by English Club members Gohar Simonyan, Milena
Hambardzumyan and Kristine Melqonyan.
“The Armenian” by Derenik
Demirchyan or
“the Armenian’ as to me
Does the word “the Armenian” mean anything to you?

They live everywhere, get adapted to local difficulties, start
creative work and condescend to the local law and order. Are we
so nave May be. He is free to do everything he thinks possible
suffering from its consequences at the same time. Are Armenian free enough to
do anything imaginable?
Usually people try to solve their problems but Armenian, along
with those create new ones set things right. Tell me please, can we consider
ourselves to be creative people in this concern? – May be.
May be our nature drives us to do incredible things, doesn't it?
May be.
I may know who Armenians are or I may not. Well, I think I
know as I’m an Armenian too. So strange and mysterious.
Tamara Stepanyan, Grade 10-3
Translated by English Club members Gohar Simonyan, Milena
Hambardzumyan and Kristine Melqonyan.
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